The TKN Wireless Indoor Sensor network Testbed (TWIST), developed by the Telecommunication Networks Group (TKN) at the Technische Universität Berlin, is a scalable and flexible testbed architecture for experimenting with wireless sensor network applications in an indoor setting. The TWIST instance deployed at the TKN group includes 204 sensor nodes and spans three floors of the FT building on the TU Berlin campus, resulting in more than 1500 square meters of instrumented office space. TWIST can be used locally or remotely via a webinterface.
In addition to TWIST, which is a fixed testbed infrastructure, CREW experiments involving mobility can be carried out in the TKN premises using additional equipment. The use of this equipment requires additional support at the TKN premises. This can be achieved either by experimenters beeing present at the premisises or by additional support from TWIST staff.
The additional components are: