On September 14 2011, the second FIRE open call information day will be organized by FIRESTATION, in Brussels. At this event, representatives of the different CREW partners will be present to inform you on the latest, official information on the CREW open call. In the morning, a general introduction to the open calls process is planned, after which three projects -including CREW- will present their specific objectives of the open calls. In the afternoon, from 13:30 to 16:00, parallel sessions are organized. During the afternoon CREW session, details on the administrative procedures, as well as in-depth technical information on the available CREW infrastructure will be provided. Furthermore, we'll present a selection of demonstrations, and offer the chance to discuss your proposals with us. The sessions ends with a Q&A.
As the information day is held at the premises of the European Commission, registration is mandatory and you should bring your Identification Card or Passport. The registration deadline is this Friday, August 26. The location details and a detailed agenda of the open call day are available at the FIRE website.
For further information on the CREW open call, please consult the Open Call section of the website.
We hope to meet you in Brussels,
Best regards,
The CREW project