CREW workshop - Experimental validation of cognitive radio/cognitive networking solutions
On Wednesday May 9, 2012, CREW organized a workshop at the FIA in Aalborg entitled "Experimental validation of cognitive radio/cognitive networking solutions".
Most of the presentations from this event may be downloaded from the links below. The CREW project thanks all participants and speakers.
Morning sessions:
- Opening - introduction by the CREW project [Luiz DaSilva]
- Case 1: CONSERN [Nancy Alonistioti]
- Case 2: COGEU [Tim Forde]
- Case 3: FARAMIR [Jad Nasreddine]
- The Twist testbed [Mikolaj Chwalisz]
- The w-iLab.t testbed [Stefan Bouckaert]
- The Logatec (JSI) testbed [Carolina Fortuna]
- The Iris testbed [Tim Forde]