CREW offers Open Access

CREW is in continuous Open Access phase to support your experiments free of charge!

Final public event & Globecom tutorial

CREW will present its final results at the Wireless Community event (Leuven, Belgium, 29 October 2015, more info) and organises a hands-on tutorial at Globecom (San Diego, USA, 10 December 2015, more info)

CREW PORTAL: access the CREW facilities

Interested in using the CREW facilities?
[Start here] - [Browse by name] - [Overview images] - [Advanced info] - [WTA GitHub].


The CREW federation is built starting from existing testbeds at five different physical locations:

In addition, advanced sensing platforms developed by imec and TCS will be integrated at several locations in the CREW federated platform, enabling high-sensitivity detection and identification of interferences.

CREW will physically and virtually federate components by linking together software and hardware entities from different partners using a standardized API, realizing advanced cognitive sensing functionality. In addition, the CREW federation will establish a benchmarking framework, enabling experiments under controlled and reproducible test conditions and providing methodologies for automated performance analysis, allowing a fair comparison between different cognitive concepts or between subsequent developments. Data sets created under benchmarked conditions according to a common data structure enable the emulation of CREW components in other experimental or simulation environments.

Explore the possibilities of the federated CREW testbed, or discover the different individual testbeds below. For in-depth information and access to the testbeds, please consult the CREW portal.