Trinity College Dublin (TRINITY COLLEGE) is the leading university on the island of Ireland and is ranked 13th in Europe and 53rd in the World according to the Times Higher Educational Supplement global rankings 2007. The University has 24 schools across 3 faculties and has currently over 1,500 research accounts. TRINITY COLLEGE covers all the major scientific disciplines, participates in all the major EU R&D programs and has research income which now accounts for more than one third of Trinity's annual operating budget and which has increased from €20 million in 2000 to a €81million in 2007. Technology transfer, patents, licenses and associated outputs have increased in parallel with the increase in research. This increased research activity has come from a wide variety of sponsors but with particular emphasis on Science Foundation Ireland, and Higher Education Authority Programme for Research in Third Level Institutes, HEA PRTLI. Other major providers of research income to the College are the European Union, the Health Research Board, Enterprise Ireland and other Public Sector bodies, Business and Industry and Charities. The percentage of the College's Research income that comes from Irish sources is now 87.73%.
Tasks in this project
CTVR at TCD will bring the IRIS GPP software radio platform to the table. This will be one of the four main testbeds in the project and because of this will be involved in all work packages. TCD will take a major role in the CREW federation activities (WP3) as well as work in extending the testbed based on both internal and external user input (WP5). TCD will also take a strong lead in some of the internal usage scenarios especially those involving heterogeneous coexistence (WP6).
The Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain Research (CTVR) is the leading telecommunications research centre in Ireland. It was established in 2004 and is headquartered at Trinity College. It brings together a multidisciplinary team of 100 researchers operating in 8 Irish Universities and third level institutes working on key problems in wireless and optical networking. It has 12 industry partners and takes an industry informed approach to its research. CTVR in Trinity College is mainly focused on cognitive radio and cognitive networking and has established an international reputation in the field. The researchers listed below also participate in the recently funded FP7 project "Cognitive Radio Systems for Efficient Sharing of TV White Spaces in European Context (COGEU)".