Export 5 results:
""Eksperimentalno senzorsko omrežje LOG-a-TEC za razvoj in testiranje principov kognitivnega radia (en. Experimental sensor network LOG-a-TEC for the development and testing of cognitive radio principles)",
19. Seminar Radijske komunikacije (SRK 2012), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 09/2012.
"LOG-a-TEC: An experimental sensor network testbed for spectrum sensing and cognitive radio",
8th Technical Meeting of WUN Cognitive Communications Consortium, Paris, France, 08/2012.
""Experimentally Driven Research on Wireless Sensor Networks", Panel: Open Innovation in IoT for Business, Academia and Society",
25th International Conference eCollaboration: Overcoming Boundaries Through Multi-Channel Interaction, Bled, Slovenia, 06/2012.
"Sensor Networks as Infrastructure for the Internet of Things",
Living bits and things 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11/2011.
"Heterogeneous ISM/TVWS Bands Cognitive Radio Testbed: Extending the CREW federation",
2nd COST IC0902 Workshop, Castelldefels, Spain, 10/2011.