CREW offers Open Access

CREW is in continuous Open Access phase to support your experiments free of charge!

Final public event & Globecom tutorial

CREW will present its final results at the Wireless Community event (Leuven, Belgium, 29 October 2015, more info) and organises a hands-on tutorial at Globecom (San Diego, USA, 10 December 2015, more info)

CREW PORTAL: access the CREW facilities

Interested in using the CREW facilities?
[Start here] - [Browse by name] - [Overview images] - [Advanced info] - [WTA GitHub].

Show and compare results

Tool Location (OpenVPN required):

The benchmarking and result analysis tool is used to analyze results obtained and benchmark the solution by comparing it to other similar solutions. As the name implies, the tool provides result analysis and score calculation (aka benchmarking) services. In the result analysis part, we do a graphical comparison and performance evaluation of different experiment metrics. For example, application throughput or received datagram from two experiments can be graphically viewed and compared. In score calculation part, we do advanced mathematical analysis on a number of experiment metrics and come up with objective scores.

For detailed explanation on experiment result comparison, please look at the section CREW benchmarking and result analysis.